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Production Part 2 – The Label Party

Our next door neighbors and friends Graham and Rhea helped us out after we did our initial big prodution runby hosting a little label party at their house.

They helped us put all the labels on the newly made jars, some of which were still hot to the touch from the jarring process!

Matt hand stamps the labels with a batch number

Matt hand stamps the labels with a batch number

Graham labels a jar of Orange Marmalade with Lemons

Graham labels a jar of Orange Marmalade with Lemons

Jars of Orange Marmalade with Lemons tower over a stack of labels

Jars of Orange Marmalade with Lemons tower over a stack of labels

Clare had a lot of trouble getting the stickers on straight at first

Clare has an issue with crooked stickers

Graham and Rhea get down to jar level to make sure their labels are straight

Graham and Rhea get down to jar level to make sure their labels are straight

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